Contents Nr 1, 2006




Corneliu-Liviu Popescu, The Restitution of the Goods Illegally Confiscated by the Totalitarian Communist State – the Experience in Romania and the Requirements of the European Court for Human Rights

Gabriel Andreescu, The Second Opinion on Romania of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities  

Simona Popan,  Informal Solutions in Post-Conflict Time: Rwanda and Burundi

Emil Moise, The Relation between Local Administrative Authorities and Churches



Dezideriu Gergely, Racial Discrimination as Degrading Treatment: from Principles to Infringement Findings with the European Court Jurisprudence

Diana Ureche, Roma Women and Gender Socialization

Monica Vasile, Freedom of Religion and Religious Symbols in Public Institutions

CNCD, Decision on the Liberty of Movement of the Romanian Citizens in Foreign Countries

CNCD, Decision on Awarding the Magistrates



Aurora Ciucă, Opinions on the Protection of Refugees Rights in Europe: the Case Broniowski vs. Poland and the Reform of the European Human Rights Protection System

Corneliu-Liviu Popescu, Comments on the Constitutional Court Decisions no. 465/2005 and no. 467/2005

*** „Molnár Case”: Combating Discrimination and Freedom of Speech in Romania       

*** Disputes on Telephones Tapping



Hans Kelsen, Absolutism and Relativism in Philosophy and Politics